AM Radio

So I figured out why I had Radio Disney on my radio… I had bumped the switch and put it into AM instead of FM.

This, of course, was after I was woken up by “L’il Bunny Foo Foo.”

If that doesn’t put you in a weird mood for the day, nothing will.

You know, stuff.

Last night I bumped the tuning dial of my clock radio, so I had to reset it to a station. I thought I found the one it was on before, and set the alarm and went to sleep.

This morning I was awoken by “It’s a Small World After All.”

Yes, I inadvertently set my clock radio to Radio Disney.

Bad <insert noun here> day

Ever have one of those days where you wake up with a headache, your hair looks like a toupee after you comb it, your teeth ache after you brush them, you start typing the wrong homonyms (‘to’ instead of ‘too’), then the Internet starts getting all wonky and websites start going down?

Welcome to Tuesday.


For obvious reasons, I can’t get “Pomp and Circumstance” out of my head.

Da… da da da, da… da. Da…. da da da, da.

Chinese water and other kinds of (self) torture

Okay, this one’s gonna be long, but it’s worth it… past all the techweenie stuff is some very amusing personal tragedy.

So let’s back up to last night about 7pm. I get home first for a change, and I sit down at my computers to get the network up and running. See, I have this ideal in my head where every computer in the house (yes, there are at least 7) can connect to the internet, and print to the printers, and in an ideal world, see each other via Microsoft Networking, although I think I’m going to settle for just having a common file server to dump stuff on.

The central focus for all my efforts lies in the hands of a single machine, oh so lovingly named “habitrail,” my Linux machine, which has been serving as my gateway/webserver/MP3 storage site for the last two years.
Continue reading “Chinese water and other kinds of (self) torture”

Speedy DSL goodness

I think I just had what had to be the most painless DSL install ever. The guy comes in, checks the line, line’s good, plugs in DSL modem, hooks up laptop, sets up laptop to our one of our IP addresses, it works.

Guy says thank you, here’s a free ethernet card that came with DSL modem, and the quite large manual for said modem, bag of filters for phone lines so phones don’t interfere with DSL… bye!

Go over to our computers, change the IP and they work. Luke got 142KB/s download of Mozilla. Very very nice.

Then half an hour later, the cable guy comes into the apartment… tracks mud all over the place (grrrrrr) but eventually gets two digital cable boxes hooked up. Thankfully, digital cable also involves analog cable as well so Luke can use his picture-in-picture.

Tonight, I’m gonna move my Linux machine, so my webpage will be down for a bit, for the ten of you who actually care in the world. (Then the DNS has to update, so it may be a little bit after that…)

More pain.

And now I just had a collision going to the bathroom… I was going in as someone was coming out, and as a result, I slammed into the door and smacked my left elbow… which now hurts like all hell…


So I’ve been moving for the last two weeks, and in the course of that time, I have done considerable damage to my arms (my right one in particular). To note:

– Sunburn on both arms, the right one bad enough to peel.
– Bruise on my right arm, from carrying so many frigging boxes.
– Pain on my right palm, from using a manual screwdrier to assemble IKEA furniture.
– Nick on my left index finger from where the screwdriver slipped when assmebling said furniture.
– Pain in my right right wrist after I landed on it wrong when I slipped and fell down the stairs.
– Nick on my left index finger from reaching into a random box and scraping it against something sharp.
– Overall soreness in my shoulders from carrying stuff all the time.

In short, I’m in pain.

Pacific Bell, how we loathe thee…

So, we’re starting to move into the new place, and we want to get DSL set up. The landlord had DSL through Pacbell before, so we thought that we could just transfer the account over, without having to have a technician come out and set up the line again.

We thought wrong.

My conversation with Pacbell went like this:

Me: I’d like to transfer the account over to my name.
Them: We can’t do that, he’s signed a contract with us.
Me: Well, can he cancel his contract and we’d sign a new one, but not have to disconnect the line?
Them: No, it doesn’t work that way.
Me: Well, fine then, just make a new account.
Them: Have you set up your new line in the house yet?
Me: No…
Them: You have to have your line set up, then five business days later you can order DSL, once it’s in the system.
Me: Fine, can I do that now.
Them: Yes, let me transfer you.

And then I go and actually transfer my line. Yay. So as of tomorrow morning, if you call me at home, you won’t get me, you’ll get Ken and Luke… heh. But the only people who ever call me at home are my mom and telemarketers, everyone else uses my cell phone.

Now I get to play with getting the Cable service transferred… heh heh heh.