
So Luke and I are walking back to my apartment, and there’s a letter stuck in my door. I jokingly say “wouldn’t that be funny if they were raising my rent.”

Of course, it was a notice that my rent was going up $150 a month, effective 7/1/01. Ironically, if everything goes as planned, I’ll be out of here before then… it’s just funny. Of course, it’s been three years and it’s only gone up once and it was only $50 at that.

So we’re going to look at this one place that Ken really likes, but it’s in Foster City. I have to accept that no matter where I move to, my commute is going to get longer, it’s just that this is going from 10 minutes to 40 minutes – each way. That’s an hour a day that I’d now be losing. Well, maybe less if I don’t drive during rush hour.

It had better be worth it, although at this point, saving the extra money may make it… but there’s always the option of another place that isn’t as far.

Well, at least this clinches it… I’m definately moving.

Revenge of the IRS

Leave it to the IRS to mail something on April 17th and then say on it “return by April 9th.” The letter is even dated the 17th.

So the vending machines at work are starting to run out of soda… even the ones on the uninhabited floors. Just a random thing I noticed.

UB40 part 2

So not only did I see a concert DVD of UB40 at Fry’s today, just to mock me… driving home tonight, “Red Red Wine” came on, and it took me a few moments to realize I was tapping my fingers to it. ARGH! Someone up there’s mocking me.


I just realized how much I really hate UB40. Perhaps it’s some subconcious thing, where my brain is getting back at me for every really liking the band. But just the mention of the words “red red wine” sends my arms flailing wildly out of my control in a frantic attempt to change the radio channel as quickly as possible.


#11 on the list of things never to say to a person:
“Hey, is your scale off? Either that or I lost 8 pounds since this morning.”
Dammit, Luke, shut up shut up shut up!