Speedy DSL goodness

I think I just had what had to be the most painless DSL install ever. The guy comes in, checks the line, line’s good, plugs in DSL modem, hooks up laptop, sets up laptop to our one of our IP addresses, it works.

Guy says thank you, here’s a free ethernet card that came with DSL modem, and the quite large manual for said modem, bag of filters for phone lines so phones don’t interfere with DSL… bye!

Go over to our computers, change the IP and they work. Luke got 142KB/s download of Mozilla. Very very nice.

Then half an hour later, the cable guy comes into the apartment… tracks mud all over the place (grrrrrr) but eventually gets two digital cable boxes hooked up. Thankfully, digital cable also involves analog cable as well so Luke can use his picture-in-picture.

Tonight, I’m gonna move my Linux machine, so my webpage will be down for a bit, for the ten of you who actually care in the world. (Then the DNS has to update, so it may be a little bit after that…)

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