Updates to previous week

Yeah, I could have made this post a while ago, but it took a lull in my work to get me to post it.

Our second attempt at Karazhan was even more of a success than our first. We not only beat Moroes, but managed to down the Maiden of Virtue as well. And I got my first piece of epic lewtz, a.k.a. healing leather that I’ll rarely use.

I started consolidating Azalyn, the other FFXI account I own now, with my own. The first thing was taking his mule of random stacks of stuff that drops off monsters and sending the stuff to my own mule of random stacks of stuff that drops off monsters and taking anything that made a full stack of 12 and mailing it to the proper city’s mule to sell it on the auction house. I managed to actually fit almost everything from his mule into my own after sending the stacks to sell away, because we had mostly the same stuff. Second is going through his armor and finding anything he had that I didn’t (which there is some small amount, most of them on Azalyn proper) and selling/giving away the rest that’s duplicated. This is slower, as a lot of the gear is random stuff for low levels (sub-20) that doesn’t sell often.

I thought I had the bird outside the window problem licked. Then I was informed that there is a nest above my window that may be the reason why I’m having a problem. But then, yesterday morning I managed to actually catch the bird in the act. It’s not flying into the window and bumping it on the way to the nest like I might have thought. No, it’s just being a stupid bird and repeatedly running into the window. I can only imagine the thought process it goes through as it sees something interesting, flies into an INVISIBLE BARRIER *BONK* loses its bearings, flies back to the tree branch, blinks, then sees something interesting, flies into an INVISIBLE BARRIER *BONK*… etc. All the meantime, I’m inside wishing I had an exterior-mounted BB gun turret or something.

3 Replies to “Updates to previous week”

  1. Funny. We had a TON more attempts on Maiden than we did on Moroes. Maiden was a complete pain in our ass for a long time. We’ve only killed her twice after being in kara for like 2 months or so now.

  2. I’m curious as to how much value you are able to get out of all the gear. It may be worth noting that Azalyn has higher than base chocobo digging skill. I think it has leveled twice.

    1. We’re talking 2000 gil here, 4000 gil there, the most expensive item that we both had so far is the Mist Silk Cape, which might sell for 30,000. Everything else that’s of significant value I’m keeping — hairpin, boots, archer’s knives, RSE, pretty much everything else you were wearing for your THF, since that was one job I never leveled and therefore don’t have any gear of my own for.

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