Absence of posting

Just because I’m not posting doesn’t mean things aren’t happening.

  • I went down to SoCal for my cousin’s Bar Mitzvah last weekend. It’s scary that he’s 13 already, because I remember him being born. I also think I impressed him by “fixing” their TV to make the Wii work by changing it to the right input with a single button press.
  • I’m trying to lose weight again, although I haven’t introduced more exercise into the equation yet, I am back to eating less. I know it’s not enough yet, but I’m still trying to work out my routine.
  • I’m also in the process of examining my budget, after realizing that I’m probably spending more on random per-month things than I really need to. Scarily, the money I spend on FFXI each month is starting to seem like it would be better spent elsewhere. I’m also going to try to look into possibly refinancing to lock into a nice low rate, even though my ARM is going to be coming back down because it’s a 12 month moving average. My mortgage payment is about 130% of what it was when I first started, and that extra money every month really starts to hurt.
  • My room is probably the cleanest its ever been since I moved in. I’ve been working on the various regions of it, and I just managed to get my desk mostly cleared this weekend. The last few steps were amazingly noticeable — sections of carpet that hadn’t seen the light of day in years were now visible. Seeing each part by itself was already pretty amazing, once I managed to get it all done at once, I’m going to have to take pictures as historical proof.
  • My Prius didn’t get as good mileage as I thought it would have when I drove down to SoCal. I suppose it makes sense: when you’re driving at a constant speed on a flat road, a hybrid doesn’t really get much benefit. I was “only” getting 38-40 mpg on I-5. But then when I hit LA, and I was driving up and down hills, slowing down and speeding up, it went back up to 50. I was a bit afraid that I wouldn’t make it on one tank of gas (it’s a smaller tank than my last car, which could barely make it on one tank), but I managed with miles to spare.

Back to work…

8 Replies to “Absence of posting”

  1. I Also Learned This From “The West Wing”

    ‘s Prius taught me how these things will go. If you already know this stuff then skip it, but it’s a fun fact for anyone who’s never seen how they work.

    Mileage expectations are exactly the opposite of what you’re used to in regular gas vehicles. The Prius especially loves it when you hit the brakes, because that’s when it recharges the battery power. Very slow acceleration up to 25-30mph will only use the electric power, and anything over that will fire up the regular engine, so the city mileage will typically always be better than the highway mileage.

    Whenever I drive her car I have this habit of glancing down at the display to see my up-to-the-moment MPG estimation. And then easing off the gas pedal a bit.

    1. I’d actually be more likely to start DDRing again. I ordered an adapter that allows use of my hard DDR pad with Xbox360 or GameCube/Wii versions.

      Maybe… I don’t know. I don’t really know what Wii Fit entails other than tilting back and forth on the board.

  2. Hey, how’s it going? I understand the weight loss thing. That’s what I”m working on right now, but exercise isn’t part of the regime yet either.. I AM down 10 lbs though, so yay! See you at Fanime! 😀

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