“C’mon Andy, come to dinner!”
“But I’m watching the Oscars!”
“Just set it to record!”
“Okay, fine!”
*does so*

Anyone who knows how DVR works and how often the Oscars run late will understand the scream that occurred just a few minutes ago.

7 Replies to “”

  1. The stupid software on my Comcast DVR doesn’t have any special features that does extending (that I know of), but you gotta work with what it gives you. Tell it to record the next show, and maybe the show after that for good measure if you want to be safe. I usually do that whenever there’s sports that have the potential for overtime airing before shows I want to watch.

    Sure would be nice if they put some decent functionality into the software of my DVR that I pay monthly for the privilege of using. About the only software updates I’ve ever seen them push onto it has been cramming in more ads to force down my eye holes.

  2. Yeah, I hate that. :/

    I usually set things to record an extra few minutes if I can… but that option isn’t always available for some reason. >.<

    Sorry, man. :/

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