Once again it’s been a while, time for a dump

I keep having the problem of thinking about something I want to post, then forgetting about the post and it just rattles around in the back of my head for a month. Here’s what I can remember:

1) So for those of you who were paying attention, I started working at Yahoo! again as an engineer in the Travel vertical. My first week went as expected — setting up my work environment. My second week I started learning the code base and had my first project handed to me. The third week my boss was out of town and I continued working on the project and reading documentation. Then on the first day of my fourth week, my boss pulls me aside and tells me that I’ve been reassigned to a new project. I mean, a completely separate company-wide thing that has nothing to do with Travel. So for the last few weeks I’ve seen more PowerPoint presentations than the previous ten years of my life combined, all getting me and the other engineers up to speed on this new project. Oh, and it’s in Java, a language I’ve never programmed in. So I’ve been reading up on that as well. Eventually the PowerPoint to coding ratio in my job will settle back down to sane levels, but it’s still pointed the wrong way.

2) I really want to keep liking Eureka. But the writers are making it extremely hard this season. The technobabble is becoming less tech and more babble, and they keep shoehorning every story into the exact same framework. Here’s the random inhabitant of the town who does something normal that you’d expect any small town to have (like a dry cleaner or a church organist). Something weird is happening in the town. Oh wow it turns out that this new character we were just introduced happens to be a PhD in the random branch of science that relates to the weirdness. Nobody can figure out what to do until the sheriff makes some observation that none of the room full of very smart people could realize. Then everyone rushes off and makes some flashy solution to the problem that ends up wrapping up very nicely and quickly just in time for the end of the episode. Oh, and about two minutes of the ongoing storyline stuck near the end.

3) And that reminds me. Shows like Eureka are filmed in HD. I mean, they’re aired with the black bars around them, but my stupid cable company (Comcast) has been stuck in 2003 and still only offers 6 HD channels total, 4 of which I could get by sticking up an antenna. They say it’s because of a limitation of the wiring in my area but GET ON IT. This is similar to the complaint I have about the DSL in my area, I still only qualify for the lowest possible speed because of my distance from the substation. I live in the heart of the silicon valley, stuff like this shouldn’t be an issue, we should be on the forefront of home entertainment bandwidth things, not living 10 years in the past.

4) The new season of Avatar evidently started and I forgot to set my DVR so I’m going to have to brave the interwebs for the first episode. Also, yay Heroes tonight! And I’m also going to try watching Journeyman. I’m a sucker for anything that resembles Quantum Leap.

5) The FFXI/WoW pendulum has swung back the other way, I’ve been getting back into FFXI. The hype for the new expansion (due in two months) is starting up, and it looks exciting (and I get to buy at least two copies of it, one for PC, one for XBOX360 and possibly a third for the other account). I bet a lot of it is disappointing because they’re still limited by the stupid PS2. Also, I just get my Tier 4 head from the prince in WoW (which just about finishes my tanking set).

7 Replies to “Once again it’s been a while, time for a dump”

  1. I’m in the same Sunnyvale cable black hole. 🙁

    One of my friends moved from the same black hole to San Jose. He has 32 channels in HD now, and they’re getting more.

    And no, no on-demand for us either.

  2. I asked about the HD limitation when I had cable installed at my apt in Sunnyvale. According to the tech, it’s not technical limitations, but politics with the city goverment, that are slowing the upgrade of the service. It was supposed to have been done last year.

    Go across the border to Santa Clara or even Mountain View, you get lots of HD channels.

  3. You shouldn’t have to buy more than 2 expansion copies. You only need to enter the codes once to give access to the new stuff for an account, regardless what platform you use to login. And unless you go ISO surfing, you need a copy of the expansion for each platform you want to install it on.

  4. If you don’t want to bother downloading the episode, go here for avatar:


    Great website that Phoenixblade introduced to me where you can just watch the episodes online. The episode was great, but of course, things happened in it that I want to tear my hair out for. >.<;;

    If you want to actually download episodes, the place I use religiously is this:


    Awesome website that has /every/ freakin’ episode of /every/ show! Obviously, torrents for the newer shows will be more reliable, but I managed to DL the entire season of Dungeons and Dragons, the cartoon. 😀 (Ah the memories… why did I like this show again? XD)

    They have Avatar, Heroes, Journeyman… In fact, I just DLed Journeyman, as ewll as the Bionic Woman (I was curious… >.>) The only drawback is, you have to purchase credits to start. not a big deal, about $10 for 10GB. Once you do that, as long as you keep your DLs open for a while, you’ll never have to purchase any more credits. I’ve only paid that amount once, and haven’t paid for anything since, and I’ve used this website for a year now. 🙂

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