As if I needed another reason to hate LA and smokers.

When I got in to my car a few days ago, I thought I smelled cigarette smoke. Not knowing what it could have been, I just dismissed it to being a smell that got picked up from being parked on my mom’s driveway for the last week.

Today, on my way to drive to Gardena so I could log into FFXI for Kori’s wedding, I was planning on plugging in my cell phone to charge it.

The charger wasn’t where I left it. Neither was the power inverter or the other power plug or the splitter that they were all plugged in to. So I looked in the back seat. Not there, either. I opened the trunk. Not there.

I looked under the seats, nothing there. (Mental flag went up.) Got back in the car and figured I’d worry about it later. Started driving off. (Mental flag goes off.) I had one of my CD booklets under the seat… the smaller one with all my Final Fantasy and DDR music. It wasn’t there. Neither was the bag of stuff that Joe left in the back seat.


No wonder it smelled like cigarette smoke… the bastard who did it was probably smoking while he was doing it. I don’t know when the hell I left my car unlocked, but I’m certain it was at my mom’s house, because Joe’s bag is gone and I only had that put in when I was on my way out of GenCon.

The power stuff is a pisser, but I can buy new stuff. Joe’s bag, I don’t remember what was in it, but it was mostly free stuff he got at GenCon. The CD wallet is what pisses me off, there were CDs in there that are hard to find and worth nothing on the street, only to fans like me. I don’t even want to think about how cheap they’re going to be sold for in some pawn shop…

Then I thought about how bad it could have been. They could have opened the trunk and started taking stuff out of there, like my big CD wallet and the karaoke stuff. Fortunately, my laptops and the karaoke hard drive were inside, along with anything else of real value.

Right on my mom’s driveway. Unbelievable.

15 Replies to “As if I needed another reason to hate LA and smokers.”

  1. I totally empathize. Happened to me. Two full binders of Anime and J-Pop (120 CDs), books, after-market stereo, my backpack which had a friend’s VHS box set of KOR OAVs and Bubblegum Crisis… this was back in 98. All they left me was a broken panel frame, snapped wiring from the radio, and a tear on the passenger seat.

    I was so fucking pissed.

  2. That. Majorly. Sucks. *remembers the time I lost my L’Arc~en~ciel and C-pop CDs when my car was broken into outside the practice studio*. My father lost his iPod and cell phone chargers the same way- taken while the car was parked on the driveway of the house. What has this world come to?

    At least they didn’t break your windows and didn’t get the really really big CD wallet. That would have been a major disaster.

  3. Damn that is pretty lame but I wouldn’t be suprised he used a slim jim to get into your car. I never leave anything vauluable in my car and for music it is all burned cds. I know a lot of car theifs won’t go into your car if they see a blinking red light above the radio since they will think it is a car alarm.

    At least the guy didn’t drive your car off to sell it off for car parts (which is pretty popular to do in LA).

  4. Theft always seems to happen that way.. (at your home or some such). It sucks a lot.. but it’s good that they didn’t break anything on your car ‘cuz that costs even more -_-;

  5. Ugh Hammy… just… ugh…

    Still, you’re right, it could have been so much worse. But man, what a stupid thief. I mean… how hard is it to pop a trunk if you’ve already got access to the car itself?

    Maybe he saw your junk…err… I mean CDs… and figured that you owned nothing of value. Mwuahahaha XD

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