Pain and debt

I am in pain.

Luke got the last of his stuff out of the house this weekend, and that included the TV, which I helped him load into his car. It was obviously more of a strain than I thought, because I woke up this morning with a pain in my right arm and chest… and a bit in my legs as well. And a headache, which may or may not be related.

So, now that there was a hole in the living room where there once was a TV (a rather clean patch of carpet surrounded by some very dusty carpet), I needed to put the TV shopping into high gear. I went to the last major retailer I had yet to hit, The Good Guys. They actually had the model in stock, and was cheaper than I’d seen it in any physical storefront. (I’ve seen it for cheaper online, but then you’re paying quite a bit on shipping a 130 pound box…) So I made a salesclerk very happy. All he had to do was say “can I help you with anything?” and he had his sale. And it was delivered later that day.

So the empty space has been filled. Now I have a corresponding chunk of debt on my credit card. I need to go to Fry’s tonight and pick up a few other cables and a power conditioner, though.

On another note, Dom mentioned my name in his MT rant last week. Today I’ve had three different people (as well as one on Friday) IM me saying “Who is this?” The first one confused the heck out of me, I responded with “What do you mean, who is this, you IMed me!” Well, the second one was so proud of themselves because they thought of actually putting “Hamusutaa” into an AIM window and seeing who responded and mentioned this to me when I realized what was going on.

MegaTokyo fans… *shudder*

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