Grey clouds, they’re a formin’

So, besides the passing of Will Eisner, today is very morbid for another reason. Today is the last day that the majority of my department is in the office. They’re all in for their exit interviews and packing up their cubes before getting laid off / outsourced / (possibly) hired back to the agency now doing the work. People just keep wandering around, saying goodbye to other people, chatting, answering the same questions over and over, and generally just putting a black cloud over the whole area. Of course, it’s also that today is an Ultra-Monday, being the first day back from work in what was, for all intents and purposes, 11 days off — we got Friday and Monday off for the past two weekends, and no one really worked those three days in between.

At least the sun keeps trying to peek out from the clouds every once in a while, or it would be a thoroughly miserable day.

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