Another long day

Tales of Anime… it seemed like I knew half the people, and recognized the other half. Dom slept over to save a trip, Albert picked us up, drove us to Katie’s, where she drove us to BART, we rode in, walked ten blocks up the hill, and into the hotel.

All that trouble to voluntarily go to an anime con. Go figure.

The con itself was very small, although we didn’t get much out of the carnival room. And even then, we spent most of the time customer-less, and ended up throwing plastic balls, hula hoops and mini-frisbees at each other. It was very tiring work.

Another walk, BART ride and drive later (not to mention a nap), and we watched Hero at Union Landing. It was refreshing to see a movie in a theater that had no commercials before the preview started. The movie itself was pretty good, it was nice that I could go in with no expectations or preconceptions.

Ate dinner at the Texas Roadhouse (mmm… free peanuts), and made the trek home.