And… part two.

This is what happens when someone trains 30+ bats to the entrance of Gusgen Mines. People die. They had to get the GMs to reset the zone, it was so bad.

My first time on the airship! So pretty. (Yes, I say that a lot about this game.)

While searching for the Giddeus Treasure Key, I managed to finally fight a Notorious Monster that did drop its rare item.

So, I decided to start leveling up my Thief class. So, once again I fought rabbits. We all know what that means.

And, as a level 12 Thief, I ran into my old nemesis, Spiny Spipi, and it was a fight that came down to the wire…

…But I wasn’t the winner. Of course, there was someone standing right there to kill Spipi right after I died. BLAH!

11 Replies to “And… part two.”

  1. Dying seems to be the main thing for a lot of people playing the game. ^^; Maybe try hiding in the bushes and killing other people’s monsters at the last second? That would so be me. 😉

    And I find it strange that they make the stupid rabbits so seemingly difficult to beat. ^^;

  2. Trains are bad… Almost as bad as finally getting into a party and spending more time sitting around waiting for others to fill up the remaining slots than fighting. That’s what I experienced on Sunday afternoon, but I’ll save the details for my own LJ.

    Anyway, real men just get killed by Decent Challenges when taking them on solo…. When you’re past Level 15, and should know better than to NOT go out solo.

    Anyway, we’ll see what happens when the n00bs start coming in in a few hours/days/weeks. ^_^;

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