Beware: Fanboy Ranting Inside

I was going to write a whole entry over the weekend about stuff that I was angry about, but I’ve cooled down now. Perhaps it would have been good to get it down, but I did end up talking to people about it anyway. So there is no written record of it… HA!

<rant type=”fanboy”>
I just finished reading Sir Apropos of Nothing by Peter David. I know I’ve listed PAD as an interest since forever; I’ve been basing that fandom solely on his comics writing, I’ve never indulged in his novels (Star Trek or otherwise). Let’s just say that I’m glad I bought the sequel at the same time, because this book was one of the best I’d read in a while. I mean, I wanted to reach inside the pages and slap PAD across the face some times for the horrible puns and situations, and for genuinely just messing with the reader’s mind… it was a great time for all. And the third book in hardcover is sitting in my amazon shopping cart. And the Hulk and Daredevil movie novelizations (also written by him) are lying on my floor, waiting to be read. The new Larry Niven short story collection will wait, dang it!

My parents are coming into town this weekend. They get to see my house, which will hopefully be clean[er than it is now] by then. If I can find the hammer, I can hang some of the pictures that need hanging. Unfortunately, I think the hammer is either in Washington D.C. or Redding at the moment… time to buy another one.

9 Replies to “Beware: Fanboy Ranting Inside”

  1. Did you check the kitchen drawers and the box in the linen closet on the second floor? I think I saw some tools-like objects in one of those places.

      1. ummm….my hammer and screwdriver and misc. hardware supplies are in my kitchen drawer. *shrug* that’s just the way I was brought up…my parents kept that stuff in the kitchen as well.

        1. Right. Well your family having a consistent place if it has no other sounds great.

          The only consistency my family has ever had has been in randomly relocating objects and tools from one spot to another and filling any large enough “space”. A few months later they’ll come around and bitch and complain about not being able to find anything and/or accuse someone else of stealing them.

          College was like the congregation of all of our subconcious bad habits. Even if we didn’t realize it, we felt it. Always thought we wanted to get away from that as much as possible after leaving, and get back to organized living.

          I also had an image of a hammer sitting pristinely on some folded towels.. and Andy reaching into the linen closet (where they actually store linens, if I recall), pulling out a towel, and the hammer falling out on his head or his toe.

          Aside from that, I thought they had a tool rack in the garage or a toolchest that was floating around somewheres already..

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