4 Replies to “”

    1. And now you know the rest of the story.

      I’m just this guy, you know?

      But really, the #conversatron channel has wandered around quite a bit. It started in Undernet, then one of the channel people (a nice fella named Fedallah who seems to have disappeared off the face of the earth) started a server and we all moved there. He had to move, though so I volunteered to host the channel after that. All the while, the link on the Conversatron site was updated to the current location.

      It’s spartan, and most of the time there’s no conversation going on, but it’s been there for some time now.

      1. Re: And now you know the rest of the story.

        I remember when people actually used to talk in there! Myself included. I haven’t had much to yammer about since I started working the swing shift at a job that locks down the computers so tight that you can’t install anything onto them, and most of the people I talk to are on either LJ or IM as it is.

        #conversatron served its purpose well, though, as it brought me here, in the company of y’all, on wings.

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