80’s night!

As Ken mentioned, I brought our old Apple ][e home and got it set up tonight.

This, on top of watching the newly released Tron 20th Anniversary Edition DVD, made for one very retro evening.

4 Replies to “80’s night!”

  1. The wonders of the early 1980s:

         <kken> ah yes... 79-82 was a very memorable time for me
         <kken> tron
         <kken> blade runner
         <kken> a disneyworld without epcot
         <kken> switched on bach
       <Wohali> don't forget atari 2600
         <PYee> kayken was all over the facts of life
       <Wohali> the smurfs
         <kken> the atari 2600 and $100 pacman cartridge
         <kken> apple ][ computers
         <kken> smoking was allowed in the public library
         <kken> skateboards were skinny
         <kken> a new shoe company called reeboks stormed the footwear scene
         <kken> trapper keepers were cool, plain cardboard folders were not
         <kken> def leppard's drummer still had two arms
       <Wohali> trapper keeper!
         <kken> m*a*s*h* was still on
      <Raider3> red, green and blue...
    * kken hugs wohali and slips into an 80's coma
       <Wohali> pop rocks
      <Raider3> Ironic.. M*A*S*H ended when I was in 8th grade - last day of
                school, someone had a "Goodbye, Farewell & Amen" t-shirt on
         <kken> pop rocks and cola killed mikey
       <Wohali> saturday morning cartoons
      <Raider3> that was a rumor.
      <Raider3> but a rather nice way to make ground-shaking belches.
         <kken> new movies were $3.25
      <Raider3> yeah... When they actually showed honest-to-god Saturday morning
                cartoons... until about.. hmm.. 1 or 2 in the afternoon?
         <kken> new comics were 60 cents
         <kken> gov't subsidised public school lunch meals were 80 cents

    And the list goes on and on…

  2. bad orthography

    ’80s is spelled ’80s. You spelled it incorrectly.

    It is plural, it is not posessive. the ‘s would be possessive

    s on its own is plural

    the ‘ mark means “letters or words have been deleted here”

    in ’80s you have deleted the 19 thus the ‘ thus ’80s

      1. it’s common mistake

        things like that are what the AP stylebook is for… americans in general have very bad grammar… what annoys the hell out of me is misuse of things like it’s/its or to/too/two or but/butt or… you get what i mean… then again i was an editor at the chicago tribune hehehe.

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