Losing Words

This has been bothering me for a while, but it’s gotten worse recently.

Sometimes, when I’m tired, I have trouble finding the right words when I’m typing or speaking. When I’m typing, it’s not a big deal, unless I get really stuck, and end up stalling the conversation. When I’m speaking, it’s a bit more serious though. I’ve noticed myself doing this a lot, and so far, no one has commented on it, as it wouldn’t be tactful, but I’ve been repeating a lot of words while speaking. Sort of like a verbal backspace, but it ends up sounding like I’m stuttering. I know it must be annoying to listen to, if only on a subconscious level, but it’s even more annoying to listen to it as it’s coming out of your own mouth.

My memory has been getting worse and worse… there are some things that are burned into my brain that I’ll never forget, but there are other things that drift away. Last night I spent almost a half an hour of the time I was sleeping trying to remember the name of the movie “Almost Famous.” I knew the movie, I could see whole scenes from it, but for the life of me, I couldn’t remember the title. This is just an example, of course, and can be passed off as just “forgetting.” But when I’m in the middle of a conversation and I suddenly stop talking because I can’t remember a simple word, and I refuse to keep talking until I find the exact word I was looking for, it becomes a bit more noticeable.

It’s so empty and quiet here at work. It’s a shame I actually have a significant amount of work to do.

3 Replies to “Losing Words”

  1. Well, you are a pretty sharp-minded, clever, and generally astute guy. You constantly challenge yourself with all those mental games and puzzles, which is good. I really doubt senility sets in that early. Perhaps it’s just stress?

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