Slim Jones Diet Soda

I have developed an addiction to Jones Soda‘s Diet Cream Soda. A co-worker bought a case of it and stocked the fridge here at work. After doing some research on the web as to where to find it around me, I discovered some very interesting things about the soda.

First of all, there are pictures on each of the labels, over a thousand by now, and they’re all submitted by the consumers at the website. Then there’s the unofficial library of all of the label pictures, and people actually collect all of the labels.

I’m just keen on the whole sucralose sweetener. I just hope I can find the diet cream soda locally, I’d hate to have to buy it online.

4 Replies to “Slim Jones Diet Soda”

  1. “Splenda” the sucralose sweetener

    Given the popularity of low-carb diets in this day and age, Splenda has become readily available at most grocery stores that have dietary sections.

    Like aspartame, it doesn’t have any carbohydrate calories, but unlike aspartame it isn’t thought to possibly create health risks and doesn’t have that horrible aftertaste.

    Although it does have a small one.

    It’s basically an edited sugar molecule, with one piece turned the other way so our body doesn’t process it.

    You might have to look around. The Albertson’s here stocks it near sugar with equal and sweet and low, the Kash and Karry puts it in the diabetic area, and one of the Publix’s has its very own low-carb diet area, completely with all the Atkin’s branded stuff and the like.

    It is usually most available in packet form, although they also make boxes of the stuff that can be used for baking (another benefit over aspartame) at a one-to-one ratio with sugar required in the recipe.

    My brother made some really good low carb ice cream with it 🙂

  2. Dangling modifiers

    Okay, I knew I’d get one in the face for this, I need to read over my posts to make sure that they’re coherent.

    I meant I hope I can find the Diet Cream Soda locally. Yes, I know I can probably find Splenda products all over the place.


  3. Good luck!

    I totally love Green Apple Jones Soda and used to find it readily in Central Illinois. Out here though, I have not had much luck at all. 🙁 I ended up ordering a case online, but let me know if you find anything 🙂

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