
I won’t even go into last night, let’s just sum it up by saying that RedHat Linux sucks.

So for the last few weeks, the lawn outside our window has been dying. Huge patches of green are turning brown. We think it’s because there must be something in the soil (the campus is built on top of a landfill, after all). So this morning I’m walking up to the building, and I hear a tapping on the window above me, and all my coworkers are frantically pointing to something… eventually I figure out they’re pointing to the grass, which is miraculously, and quite suddenly, green again. I get up to my cube, and they tell me that some guys were spraying something on the grass this morning and it was suddenly green. We then figured out what it was.

It was paint.

As far as we can figure, there’s a concert today in the afternoon, which they’re setting up for now, and they want to put up a good public face… and heaven forbid if you have dead grass on your lawn.

3 Replies to “Grass”

  1. You noticed that, too?

    I’ve never seen a satisfactory explanation, from an anthropological perspective, of why we keep lawns at all in the first place.

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