Tweets for Today

Thoughts in 140 characters

  • 19:34 As code freeze checkpoints both pass and approach, having bugs that defy explanation, aren’t reproducible and break my head are a bad thing. #
  • 19:34 And now, I have hit another twitter milestone: My first tweet that’s exactly 140 characters. #

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Tweets for Today

Thoughts in 140 characters

  • 17:45 Schadenfreude moment of the day: Having the guy who’s tailgating you get pulled over by a cop. #

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Tweets for Today

Thoughts in 140 characters

  • 00:19 Saw Watchmen. Recorded podcast about Watchmen. Singing karaoke now, natch. #
  • 03:16 Pro: easier to update digital clocks. Con: I want my hour of sleep back! #

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Tweets for Today

Thoughts in 140 characters

  • 12:31 Last night at Subway, the onion was so overpowering that everyone’s eyes were watering. #
  • 15:00 Hyper-combo finish! #
  • 15:57 Why are there ants at my desk? Where on earth are they coming from? #
  • 19:01 Someone keeps changing the default language of the test login we all use to German. This is getting annoying. #

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