Scenes Around Yahoo! (April 10 - May 20, 2001)

Yes, this is the parking lot. It was quite empty when we first moved over.

One of the lobbies.

The things hanging in the lobby.

The view looking down into the lobby. Everyone wave to Dee!

If you don't have your badge with you, you can get locked in here. It's silly.

Further proof that spell checkers are an inadequate substitution for education.

The view from the fourth floor balcony, looking out on the bay.

Parking lot shot again, this time with menacing clouds.

Yay Volkswagen!

Too many people were asking me.

This is Todd. Yes, those are training shoes. Yes, he thinks he knows kung fu. Yes, he could probably kick your rear anyway.

Me on the balcony using my camera's timer feature.

Not technically taken at Yahoo!, but it is a purple PT cruiser...

Chantal and Holt. Chantal's my boss' boss' baby. Holt's just a baby.

A fun day at Yahoo!. Notice the inflatable sinking ship in the background. This does not represent anything.

"San Francisco, open your golden gate!"

Our good friend, the NBA Rhythm 'n' Rims Tour.


Hmm... electrical motor "assisted" bicycles.

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