The practice studio where 5XL practices is a tiny little place crammed full of equipment. In the interest of removing echoes for purposes of recording, we decided to get foam for the walls. Stanley had a hookup to get us free foam; the downside... it was bright pink. Another note: these are the first pictures that are taken with my digital camera. Not technically the first, but the first that I'm putting online.

Random photos at the 5XL studio #2 (August 10, 2000)

The only thing I have to say about this is that I didn't realize I got my microphone in the shot.

Whee! Little electric race cars on a track!

Lesley obviously doesn't like her picture being taken. But, giving me an angry look is a sure way to get your picture online...

Lesley gets bored, and decides to draw on the foam...

... and again. (From L to R: Chico, Lesley, Me, Stanley, Hong and Hank) We're all doing the "Milky" with our tongues. Don't ask.

Even the hallway outside was painted pink... it's a sign... of something.

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