Okay, Mr. Dishwasher, I’m looking at you next

Whoever had the water heater in the “Which of Andy’s appliances fails next” pool is a winner!

I was sick over the three-day weekend, which means I didn’t even get to visit at Fanime, and ended up working from home today. Then Jenny came upstairs and said “I don’t want to bother you, but there’s a funny sound coming from the laundry room.” After stepping into a pool of water, I quickly figured out what was wrong.

One quick shutoff valve turning and some not so quick mopping and drying of the linoleum later, and the room is mostly dry… although the fan is going to run overnight to make sure the nooks and crannies underneath the washer and dryer get dried off. This, people, is why it is building code to have a pan and drain underneath all new water heaters. This one was 20 years old and so it didn’t have it.

So in retrospect, spending an hour in a damp room exerting myself may not have been the best thing to do when getting over a cold…

3 Replies to “Okay, Mr. Dishwasher, I’m looking at you next”

  1. Ugh. I’d imagine that whoever won isn’t entirely happy about winning – it’s one of those, “everybody’s a loser” kinds of situations. 🙁

    Good luck with that cold, though. Hopefully that exertion won’t have made things worse.

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