The world at a 90 degree angle

So, last week I had a pain/pressure in my left ear. I was pretty sure it was an outer ear infection, a.k.a. swimmer’s ear… but of course in order to get some sort of relief I had to go to the doctor. He confirmed that it was, in fact, what I thought, and prescribed an antibiotic anti-inflammatory ear drop. Hooray for having to pay full price for a 10 minute doctor’s visit and medication… but $110 total is worth it for being able to actually sleep through the night and not worry about it getting worse or something.

However, having to hold my head sideways for 5 to 10 minutes three times a day is an odd additional price to pay for this relief. At least it got better after a few days. Sadly, as it is an antibiotic, I have to keep taking it for a week even though there are no symptoms anymore.

In other news, I’m in the midst of reorganizing the furniture in my room. I removed the table and moved the dressers to the foot of the bed where the table was, now I have enough wall space for one, maybe two more bookshelves. Vertical storage is sort of a necessity now as I’m accumulating more and more books and other stuff. More bookshelves also means more tops of bookshelves to put Star Wars legos on, as I was already one bookshelf short.