The Past Haunts Me… The Future Baffles Me…

…And the Present is getting pretty dang belligerent.

For the past, I’ve been thinking quite a bit about high school, partly because of an email I got out of the blue from an old classmate, and partly by finding Brea people for the first time on Friendster. Yes, I know I keep going on and on about Friendster…

The future.. well, we’ll leave that one alone for now.

For the present, well… you know.. I’m not going to touch that one either.

On a side note: Due to the magic of MAME, I was finally able to finish the Willow arcade game. I’d never made it past the second level, but after shoveling in the equivalent of almost $50, I finally beat the dang thing. Hooray for me. My thumb hurt afterwards.

Heh heh heh.

I found Brea people in Friendster (ex- and otherwise). Well, a small group of them at least.
