From a distant shore…

So, I konked out at 5pm last night, and then woke up at 4am this morning, so I got in early yet again. It’s weird to be at work, and actually have lunchtime be a halfway point, instead of something you do right after you finish checking your email.

I finally got my GameCube keyboard controller. It only took… oh, let me check my email records… 9 weeks. That’s funny, it seems like longer. The company (which I won’t even link to) was so horrible in their customer service, that I thought I wasn’t going to get it at all. Now I can play PSO and keep up with the text-spamming 14 year olds.

I also got my Megatokyo volume 1 in the mail today. I was expecting something larger, but it’s a manga book, so it’s manga-sized. It looks really spiffy…