I made it home safe!

The drive back up was oh so much saner than the drive down… I guess that’s all I have to say about that.

It’s weird hearing Christmas music in places you wouldn’t normally expect to hear it: A Japanese Restaurant… a Del Taco… at a Shell station while filling your gas tank.

Yes, you’re dreaming of a White Christmas, I get it already.

We bought a DVD player for my mom for Hannukah, and since we’d already decided to make the purchase, it made for some interesting conversations over the weekend, all of them involving whether or not she needed to get a DVD-ROM in the new computer she’s most likely getting.

I don’t remember where I saw it to originally pick it up, but I finished Why We Buy: The Science of Shopping over the weekend. (I did most of the reading, quite appropriately, on Black Friday, while avoiding the malls… at the same time!) It’s a great read, I’ll never look at stores the same way again. Anything that gives me more reason to tsk-tsk random people is okay in my book.

I managed to get almost all the way through the weekend without anyone asking me “So, are you seeing anyone?” Then my aunt worked it into the conversation on Sunday. Oh, so close! I think my relatives were mostly distracted because my brother is starting the police academy next week.

I guess that’s enough for now.

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