There and back again

So I played my GameCube quite a bit. Finished Luigi’s Mansion… it’s a short game, but very cool looking. Super Monkey Ball can be quite frustrating until I get a hang of the controls. Rogue Leader is more of Rogue Squadron and all that implies. Wave Race is Wave Race.

And I built the Lego Blockade Runner. I’d take a picture and post it, but I’m feeling quite lazy right now. The problem is now where to put it…

That gets us to Saturday Afternoon. Saturday Evening, I drove up to the city for dinner and the late showing of Harry Potter. Quite weirdly, only one other person in the group had actually read the book, so we had a bit of trouble actually discussing it without giving away future plot points. There’s also an inherent problem with watching a 10:45 showing of a 2 1/2 hour movie… especially when they show 20 minutes of previews, we got out of the theater at 1:30, and by the time I got to driving back, it was 2:00, and I was driving down the freeway, with Peto in the passenger seat passed out, watching meteors fly by on the horizon (I counted a total of ten in the 45 minutes I was on the road), finally made it home and crashed on my bed at almost 3:00.

Woke up at noon on Sunday, grumbled my way off to a FanimeCon meeting at 2:00, which lasted a surprisingly short amount of time, then drove up to Berkeley to kill time before I was going to meet a High School friend at 7:00. Remembered at the last minute that the CAA Member’s Only Marathon was going on that day, and peeked in just long enough to watch them play 10-player Bomberman during the dinner break.

I walked down and back up the Berkeley campus, and realized why I stayed in shape while I was a student. Man, that campus is slanted.

Had an intense catch-up conversation with a High School friend I hadn’t seen since our graduation day. Found out that even more of the people I knew are married. At this point it gets more of a “Yeah, okay, whatever” reaction than a shocked reaction. In fact, I think that I got a very odd sort feeling walking away from tonight. I got such a feeling of what’s happened in these last 7 years, and more of a sense that people have continued on with their lives. It helps with the whole nasty getting caught on the past thing that I’ve had problems with before. I may turn into an accepting, productive member of society yet.

I’m glad it’s a short week. I’m doubly glad there’s a four-day weekend.