What a difference a day makes

So I was thinking once again during the hour-long drive back from band practice, listening to the Magnolia soundtrack… realizing what one of the things about that movie was that made me like it so much: the fact that it takes place within one day.
I already knew I liked that sort of thing, The Paper is one of my favorite movies, as is Groundhog Day (although that one sort of breaks the rules) and Pulp Fiction. What is it about these movies that appeals to me so much? The fact that they chronicle a day in the life of people that is so profound that it changes their life.
I can identify with this, because I’ve had a few of these, only two though. Days like this aren’t common, you may be tempted to call a day “profound” when you are just confusing it with “busy.” I’m sure the one day I’m thinking of counts as this, because, if I wanted to, I could make a 2-hour movie about it; I’ve already written a three-part essay about it. (For those of you paying attention, and perhaps even read the article in the CAA Konshuu back in 1998, I’m referring to my first Anime Expo).
Bah, I should probably get to work. This whole “fall asleep at 4am wake up at noon get in to work at 12:30” thing isn’t exactly doing wonders for me.

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